Again...Taking requests/suggestions


I'm interested in the magic reflect script. Granted it would have to continuously run unless there is a trick

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if not timerexists 'Reflect'
createtimer 'Reflect'
if timer 'Reflect' > 30000
cast 'magic reflection'
pause 4000
settimer 'Reflect' 0
Last edited by a moderator:


So you would have to have the is script running. Another script would cancel it?

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Any ideas for a lockpicking macro? All the ones I have tried to make so far stop working after 5 attempts. Also my peacemaking macro seems to not work correctly any ideas for how to keep it working after the instrument is destroyed when you have further instruments in backpack?



Any ideas for a lockpicking macro? All the ones I have tried to make so far stop working after 5 attempts. Also my peacemaking macro seems to not work correctly any ideas for how to keep it working after the instrument is destroyed when you have further instruments in backpack?


//Select an instrument automatically to use

if @findtype '0xe9e' '0' 'backpack' 'any' '2' //Tambourine with red tassle

@setalias 'instrument' 'found'

elseif @findtype '0x2805' 'any' 'backpack' 'any' '4' //Flute

@setalias 'instrument' 'found'

headmsg "Instrument set" '66'

@useobject 'instrument'

elseif @findtype '0xe9d' '0' 'backpack' 'any' '2' //Tambourine

@setalias 'instrument' 'found'

@useobject 'instrument'

elseif @findtype '0xe9c' '0' 'backpack' 'any' '2' //Drum

@setalias 'instrument' 'found'

@useobject 'instrument'

elseif @findtype '0xeb3' '0' 'backpack' 'any' '2' //Lute

@setalias 'instrument' 'found'

@useobject 'instrument'

elseif @findtype '0xeb2' '0' 'backpack' 'any' '2' //Lap Harp

@setalias 'instrument' 'found'

@useobject 'instrument'

elseif @findtype '0xeb1' '0' 'backpack' 'any' '2' //Standing Harp

@setalias 'instrument' 'found'

useobject 'instrument'

pause 800


headmsg 'No instrument found'




A script that tells the alliance arch demon spawned and tells the alliance the window is open. Can you ghost camp ad?

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Not your script, but can this id scrpt be modified where it opens all bags in the id container and id items in it? This way I can [organizeme and just drop those 2 bags into a secure chest I use for stuff to id instead of having to drag them 1by1 to it.


//$$ Sort Yer Shit

//$$ By: Amonseti

//$$ V 2.5






//??? This macro requires the character to have Item Identification

//??? skill, it is recomended to be 100. not haveing guranteed id's

//??? could be costly ..


//??? Macro will sort thru all items of one container and separate

//??? all weapons and armor into 2 bags. A Junk bag and a Keeper Bag.


//??? have ready 3 bags the first bag is the source bag containing all

//??? the items you want sorted. the 2nd bag is the junk bag, any

//??? weapons or armor that is id'ed and not meeting the keep requirments

//??? is placed into this bag to be sold or trashed what ever you want

//??? to do with it.


//??? and finally the 3rd bag is the keeper bag.. items placed into

//??? this bag must meet any 1 of the following conditions:

//??? A) Any weapons that are Vanquishing.

//??? B) Any Weapons that are Power.

//??? C) Any Weapons with a Slayer attribute.

//??? D) Any armor or shield of Invulnerability.

//??? E) All leather or studded armor reguardless of quality.


//??? Run the Macro and follow the prompting instructions.



// !!*** Init Data ***!!


unsetalias 'bagtosort'

unsetalias 'stufftosell'

unsetalias 'stufftokeep'

// !! user Input

if not @findobject 'bagtosort'

headmsg 'Select From Bag' '2124'

promptalias 'bagtosort'


pause 700

// !! user Input

if not @findobject 'stufftosell'

headmsg 'Select Junk Bag' '38'

promptalias 'stufftosell'


pause 700

// !! user Input

if not @findobject 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Select Keeper Bag' '58'

promptalias 'stufftokeep'


pause 700


// !! Static Data

if not listexists 'ItemTypes'

createlist 'ItemTypes'


useobject 'bagtosort'

useobject 'stufftosell'

useobject 'stufftokeep'

clearlist 'ItemTypes'


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b72 //BronzeShields

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b73 //Buckler

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7b //MetalShield

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b74 //Metal Kite Shield

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b79 //Tear Kite Shield

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b7a //WoodenShield

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1b76 //HeaterShield

//Bone Armor

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1451 //Bone Helmet

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x144f //Bone Armor

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1452 //Bone Leggings

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x144e //Bone Arms

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1450 //Bone Gloves


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1408 //Close Helmet

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1410 //Platemail Arms

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1411 //Platemail Legs

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1412 //Plate Helm

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1413 //Plate Gorget

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1414 //Platemail Gloves

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1415 //Plate Chest

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140a //Helmet

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140c //Bascinet

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x140e //Norse Helm


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13bb //Chainmail Coif

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13be //Chainmail Leggins

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13bf //Chainmail Tunic


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ee //Ringmail Sleeves

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13eb //Ringmail Gloves

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ec //Ringmail Tunic

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f0 //Ringmail Leggins


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13da //Studded Leggings

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13db //Studded Tunic

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d5 //Studded Gloves

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13d6 //Studded Gorget

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13dc //Studded Sleeves


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c6 //Leather Gloves

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cd //Leather Sleeves

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cc //Leather Tunic

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13cb //Leather Pants

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13c7 //Leather Gorget

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1db9 //Leather Cap

//Female Armor

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c04 //Female Plate

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0c //Female Studded Bustier

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c02 //Female Studded Armor

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c00 //Female Leather Shorts

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c08 //Female Leather Skirt

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c06 //Female Leather Armor

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1c0a //Female Leather Bustier


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf62 //Spear

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1403 //Short Spear

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe87 //Pitchfork

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1405 //Warfork

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1401 //Kryss

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf52 //Dagger


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b0 //War axe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xdf0 //Black Staff

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1439 //War Hammer

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1407 //War Mace

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe89 //Quarter Staff

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143d //Hammer Pick

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b4 //Club

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe81 //Shepherds Crook

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f8 //Gnarled Staff

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5c //Mace

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143b //Maul


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b9 //Viking Sword

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf61 //Longsword

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1441 //Cutlass

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b6 //Scimitar

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec4 //Skinning Knife

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13f6 //Butcher Knife

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf5e //Broadsword

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13ff //Katana

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xec3 //Cleaver


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf43 //Hatchet

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf45 //Executioner's Axe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4d //Bardiche

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf4b //Double Axe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x143e //Halberd

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fb //Large Battle Axe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x1443 //Two Handed Axe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf47 //Battle Axe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf49 //Axe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe85 //Pickaxe

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xe86 //Pickaxe


@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13fd //HeavyXbow

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0xf50 //Xbow

@pushlist 'ItemTypes' 0x13b2 //bow

// !!*** End of Data Init ***!!




// !! cycle all items listed in var ItemTypes

for 0 to 'ItemTypes'

// !! Process all items found of current cyucled ItemType

while @findtype 'ItemTypes[]' 'any' 'bagtosort'


moveitem found 'stufftosell'

// !! Id the item using Item ID Skill

pause 1500

useskill 'Item Identification'

waitfortarget 15000

target! found

pause 1500


// !!*** Item to do conditionals ***!!

// !!*** If any of these conditions are true

// !!*** The Item is a keeper , (Sure wish we

// !!*** Could use switchs bleh )

// !!*****************************************!!

if @injournal 'Silver' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Silver' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Vanquishing' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Vanquishing' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Power' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Power' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Exorcism' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Exorcisim' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Air' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Air' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Daemon' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Daemon' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Gargoyle' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Gargoyle' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Fey' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Fey' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Respond' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Respond' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Repond' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Repond' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Vacuum' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Vacuum' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Flame' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Flame' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Elemental' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Elemental' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Earth' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Earth' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Water' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Water' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Ogre' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Ogre' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Orc' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Orc' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Arachnid' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Arachnid' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Spider' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Spider' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Scorpion' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Scorpion' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Terathan' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Terathan' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Reptile' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Reptile' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Dragon' 'system'

headmsg 'Dragon' '2213'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'


elseif @injournal 'Lizardman' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Lizardman' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Ophidian' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Ophidan' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Snake' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Snake' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Undead' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Undead' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Blood' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Blood' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Poison' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Poison' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Troll' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Troll' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Fire' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Fire' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Snow' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Snow' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Demon' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Demon' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Balron' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Balron' '2213'



elseif @injournal 'Invulnerability' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Invulnerability' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Leather Gloves' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Leather Gloves' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Leather Sleeves' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Leather Sleeves' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Leather Tunic' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Leather Tunic' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Leather Leggings' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Leather Leggings' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Leather Gorget' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Leather Gorget' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'Leather Cap' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Leather Cap' '2213'


elseif @injournal 'studded' 'system'

moveitem found 'stufftokeep'

headmsg 'Studded Armor!!' '2213'






msg '[e whistle'

headmsg 'All Done' '2124'



I been trying to figure out how to set hotkeys for scrolls. My dexxer has magery and I like to be versatile. I can't figure though, how to use a scroll without using the object inspector. Then, setting the macro to the item ID. Should I just accept I'll have to redo a macro everytime I run out, or die? Die, more likely. Or, is there a way to do it like a potion? If it's in my pack it'll fire it up.
I have this trouble with weapons as well. I like to carry a short spear for pvm and a war fork for fighting pvp. I assign the item ID to my 'arm' macro to address this. Is there a way to make this so it just grabs any war fork in my inventory? Does any of this make any fucking sense? I feel like I'm spitting gibberish. Is this a redundant question? Am I just a perma newb? Find out! When someone responds!


With steam you will need to use type instead of item. This way it targets the graphic and not the unique item id

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Can't find it here or other board but have seen it. A paralyze/tame script, can ya also add after taming has started it cast a paralyze field between you and taming target?