Active Smith Traders - Compiled List


bumping for those folks i am seeing responding to trade posts. if you can, put together what you got and post your link here. i will add to the list. i use this regularly (and others too i think)


This is epic. I need to go through all my BODs and then i'll make a thread and have you update it here. Very good idea. Some sort of Blacksmith *and tailor possibly even* Corner of the site/forum would be cool if they could actually setup a template... but in the mean time this works well too!


Added Patricus's current buy thread.

For new folks - the more you put into the buy and trade threads, the more others can see what they can trade and work with. A few folks like Dwayne get away with just buy lists cause we know he has nearly everything, others (like myself) should add what is available for trading as well as what we're looking for getting.