A series of Delightful Questions....

Been playing the shard for 4mos now, and loving it. Stopped play on the OSI servers about 2005, but I think most of everything is gradually seeping back into my brain... However there's a few things I've yet to puzzle out, and this time of DDOS attack seems like a good point to ask my insipid wonderings !

#1. What the hell is behind the name "Fallon" colouring ? I get that its a blue hue, but why the name ? Why not special names for every bloody colour ?? This smacks of madness.

#2. Layered items from the special vendors. I presume this means that the item can be displayed over an armour piece in its slot on the paperdoll ? ( ie: layered bear mask will appear overtop a helmet, and the helmets AC still gets applied ? ) Seems pretty straightforward, but would like a confirmation before investing !

#3. Harvested logs can be turned into boards. They both weigh the same ? What's the difference, and am I screwing myself by chopping all this lumber and turning it into boards ??

#4. The defensive spells - Reactive Armor, Protection, and Spell Reflection. Is there a resource anywhere that spells out exactly how these take effect / work ? Only 1 can be applied at a time, I think ? Does Protection always allow an uninterrupted spell, or can there still be fails ? Are there negative effects to any of these - resist spells skill lowered if using protection ?

These have been kicking around the ol' brainpan for awhile now...thanks for any enlightenment.


Blaine the Gypsy

1: Fashion
2: Fashion
3: Boards did weigh more than logs when the new colors were put in. Now I think that is fixed.
4: Most questions can be answered on the WIKI


Been playing the shard for 4mos now, and loving it. Stopped play on the OSI servers about 2005, but I think most of everything is gradually seeping back into my brain... However there's a few things I've yet to puzzle out, and this time of DDOS attack seems like a good point to ask my insipid wonderings !

#1. What the hell is behind the name "Fallon" colouring ? I get that its a blue hue, but why the name ? Why not special names for every bloody colour ?? This smacks of madness. As with most colors, they are named after people or places. Fallon in particular I believe is named after a GM or Admin that was popular on another free UO shard. Since the UO community is fairly small (in comparison to other games like WoW), names like these carry-over.

#2. Layered items from the special vendors. I presume this means that the item can be displayed over an armour piece in its slot on the paperdoll ? ( ie: layered bear mask will appear overtop a helmet, and the helmets AC still gets applied ? ) Seems pretty straightforward, but would like a confirmation before investing ! That is correct.

#3. Harvested logs can be turned into boards. They both weigh the same ? What's the difference, and am I screwing myself by chopping all this lumber and turning it into boards ?? At one point, boards were lighter than raw logs, then when the new wood types were introduced, logs were lightened to encourage more people to actually lumberjack. Boards were shortly made equal in weight after that. Its easier to just leave them as logs.

#4. The defensive spells - Reactive Armor, Protection, and Spell Reflection. Is there a resource anywhere that spells out exactly how these take effect / work ? Only 1 can be applied at a time, I think ? Does Protection always allow an uninterrupted spell, or can there still be fails ? Are there negative effects to any of these - resist spells skill lowered if using protection ? Reactive Armor, absorbs and returns a percentage of melee damage taken. Protection allows spells to not be interrupted by melee attacks for a time. Reflection is probably the most complicated, but essentially at GM Magery, you have a pool of 8 circles that can be reflected - all magery spells are grouped by Circles (its their level essentially) -- a reflection pool of 8 circles can reflect 7 1st circle spells, or one 7th circle spell, and so on. Keep in mind that 1) this only reflects direct damage spells and not all spells, and 2) the spell that hits the last circle in the pool or goes over it will actually go through and hit you. GM Inscription will essentially double the effects(or pool) on these three spells.

These have been kicking around the ol' brainpan for awhile now...thanks for any enlightenment.
