A good bugger off from the dead


I think it would be flipping randy if you could talk to people when we are dead. You can start and or end the chat with OooOoo if you want but I would like to tell people how I really feel when I get PKed. Oh and just a final thought.. Who the flip is to full for Bacon... I mean come on keep it realistic. :rolleyes: P.S. Love the shard. :)


Spirit speak does this in new UO - you can see ghosts, hear ghosts clearly, and what can be used for a lot of fun - you can speak clearly when you are dead yourself.


So what your saying is... If I GM Spirit Speak others can see what I'm saying? or Do they have to have it GM to read it?


Others would see your text clearly if you'd be GM in spirit speak, and you'd be able to hear ghosts clearly without turning the skill on I think. But to be honest, I never GMed it here, and I doubt it works here.. Would be good tho :)


Oh, pardon me for expressing what I think. Yea, next time I'll want her naked pics. And then, I'll try to stalk her, and since there's this big body of water between my and her country, I'll have to buy swimming gear. Grow up boys, telling someone that he/she is pretty doesn't make you creepy in any way.
Oh, pardon me for expressing what I think. Yea, next time I'll want her naked pics. And then, I'll try to stalk her, and since there's this big body of water between my and her country, I'll have to buy swimming gear. Grow up boys, telling someone that he/she is pretty doesn't make you creepy in any way.
When you do it on a gaming forum, it kinda does.


Which means everything we post on gaming forums is creepy. Tbh grown men arguing about getting pwned by zerg gank squads is more creepy..
Haters gonna hate. Don't take advice on girls from the forum crew here. They're all very delusional