A Few More Ideas


Monster Infuser Ball:

Each Ball would be named after a monster and when placed on the ground the ball would merge with the ground and that place would then spawn whatever monster the ball was named after. For instance, if it was an Ettin Infuser Ball then that place would for the next 30 days spawn Ettins. The Infusers could be named for any monster, the higher the monster the more it would cost in Dono Coins. Could be one for every monster.

Animal Infuser Ball:

Much like the monster Infuser, each ball would be named after an animal. This would come in very handy for people trying to find Bulls and Great Harts to tame because all you would have to do is get one and place it just outside your house and for the 30 days, Great Harts or Bulls or whatever would spawn there.

Undead Infuser Ball:

This would be just like the other two, place the ball on the ground, and for 30 days Zombies or whatever would spawn.

Increase Infuser Ball:
once placed on the ground, any spawning stop within 10 tiles has its time between spawns sped up. So let us say it was placed on a spot where Ettins spawned every 5 minutes, now Ettins would spawn every 2.5 minutes. Another Increase would speed it up even more.

Cemetery Infuser Ball Light:
Once the ball is placed for the next 30 days it would be as if a small graveyard was there spawning many Zombies, Skeletons, Specters and liches, and so on.

Cemetery Infuser Ball Medium:
Would spawn harder undead for 30 days.

Cemetery Infuser Ball Hard:
Would spawn very difficult undead.

Paragon Infuser Ball:
When placed on the ground any spawning spot in 10 tiles now has a 1 in 10 chance of spawning a paragon. If two are placed now a 1 in 5 chance and if 3 are placed a 1 in 2 chance. You might even want to go up to add another one for a 100% chance of Paragon. So 4 Paragon Infuser Ball would guarantee all monsters that spawn within 10 tiles would be Paragons.

Summoning Angel Spell:

While you can summon Demons, there are no Angels. I don’t think this is a good idea. I would add this spell and make it cost 80 mana and you must at least be a Lord or Lady. The Angel would also have some conditions such as

1. It probably won’t listen to you. If any players are red or grey around, it would eminently attack them instead and won’t listen to you, whether you tell it to attack something else or tell it to stop.

2. It will not attack anything that is NOT evil. For instance, it would not attack Centaurs and Wisps.

3. If the Angel is killed you lose 10 Magery skill points (you can of course get them back).

4. Every Angel would come equipped with a very good holy weapon that would only stick around if the Angel died.


Forgot to say that all balls would be Dono coins and the Spell would just be an addition for everyone.