WTS 50k Donation Coins 190k Per 1k

I stocked these on a vendor for 190k overnight and sold all of mine. I am now at Britain Bank spamming for a guildmate to sell his.


First off, de-railing threads like these/trolling is against forum conduct... You get a public warning, next time points get issued, and then a suspension if further infractions. It's not fair to the seller. Sure he gets things bumped for free, but that's up to him. Not up to someone that has no interest in the goods for sale to hop on their soap box.

Deleted all non-sale associated posts. Please keep on topic, don't troll/derail. If you have no interest in the item for sale personally, hit your back button. No need to post.

Kindly do not respond to this, and pls carry on w/ the sale.