WTT 30x30 No Cut Cave House


Bobby is getting mad now it seems, he wants that IBD so bad and has no way to compete since he destroyed his own island.

he didnt destroyed his island the island got destoryed by a bug because the old island are not hardcoded like booty island etc.

but his island is back to normal anyway.


Staff member
just an FYI this house is non transferable. You can't sell it, and it can't be demolished. It's binded to the account. I told Salsa this when he bought it.


Staff member
I want to know why someone would buy it then not even a month later sell it.
I'm all for allowing people to sell these, but not so quickly.

They need to hold onto them for at least 3 months.


Yeah, I will say though that IBD is probably going to make for one insane Alchy Dexxer.

Even with that being said I would prefer the ageless 30x30 1 min from all the action at the no cut.


I want to know why someone would buy it then not even a month later sell it.
I'm all for allowing people to sell these, but not so quickly.

They need to hold onto them for at least 3 months.

IMO... all tiered rewards should be permanently account bound :)


just an FYI this house is non transferable. You can't sell it, and it can't be demolished. It's binded to the account. I told Salsa this when he bought it.

This was never told me when purchasing. You're replying here but not to PMs so I'll respond here.

I made sure to be specific throughout the purchase of the house, and it was never said that it couldn't be sold. I would of never purchased if it was ever brought to my attention.

Not sure how or why this is the only donation item ever that is non-transferable.

I wanted an IBD. The price of 150m makes no sense economically, that's pretty easy to see with some simple math, but if somebody wanted to pay me 150m I would take it.