20x Exceptional Spined BOD

Wanted to give this a try and see how these sell

Its for Studded tunics

20x Spined exceptional

You could get Fallon

or you could get sandals.

Anyone bidding on this should know the ratios.

S/B 20k

C/O 100k Yourdaddy

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So for the info... I bought 4 spined BODS, paid 90 for 3 of them, 100 for the last one. I got 5 fallon, 5 metallic red, 5 TNB and a pair of turquoise sandals. Total cost : 370k. Total worth of reward : 500k. Guess it's kind of worth it, but that kind of price seems right to me. More expensive than that for that kind of BOD, I don't think I'd buy.