WTS 20 yards of 1281 Cloth


Knew I'd get some more 1281 to come out of hiding, happens every time someone moves a few yds every couple months :)

Got a blessed/exceptional half apron that the buyer of some of these yds may be interested in buying. Shoot me a PM.

If I had anything at all to offer I'd buy them myself but I'm tapped out atm. I want a gold jester suit so bad, the sad part is to make a suit these 20yds wouldn't even do it... need four more!!


I hate you all, true veterans. Hope they remove some more hues so I can flash my wealth 3 months from now.


so um ya.......I dont really care if it sells or not. Ill be just as happy to hide it away again forever. However, if someone is interested and wants to now try some serious offers I'll listen