WTS +13 Exp/Vanq/Emm Frostwood Bow Auction


The difference is that using a barbed runic sewing kit will give the same exact modifying properties 100% of the time (if the armor is successfully crafted). With the special woods, even if you happen to successfully craft the weapon, there is only a chance that it turns out to have "magical properties." And the actual magical properties the weapon ends up with varies even among a single type of special wood. It's pretty annoying to identify a magical bloodwood weapon to find out it has only increased durability and no accuracy or power/vanq bonus :/ But then you finally craft one like Easy Cheese did and it's all worth it :D

Thank you for the response. Sounds like its a lot of work for very little payout. Really, 110k isn't much when compared to the amount of time it takes to gather the wood, and craft the bow. Can't most just farm the 110k in less time?


The difference is that using a barbed runic sewing kit will give the same exact modifying properties 100% of the time (if the armor is successfully crafted). With the special woods, even if you happen to successfully craft the weapon, there is only a chance that it turns out to have "magical properties." And the actual magical properties the weapon ends up with varies even among a single type of special wood. It's pretty annoying to identify a magical bloodwood weapon to find out it has only increased durability and no accuracy or power/vanq bonus :/ But then you finally craft one like Easy Cheese did and it's all worth it :D

I know right! And you had to craft 500 bows to get it! But thats what makes it rare! Love love bows like this! And I do hunt with mine! Whats the sense of crafting a great weapon if ya cant use it! Fuck a PK! Catch me and its yours! But good luck with that! So nervous when I have themm out I recall on the sight of a mongbat!....lol....jk...lol


I'm not sure whether this would yield more average gold per hour instead of farming. But I do know that if you're out chopping wood, you should be doing more than just hoping for these rare weaps. You'd probably want to make slayers with the lower woods, or even sell the logs bulk, which can yield a fair profit.

And you'll end up with a chest full of nice weapons. Not all so close to perfect but pretty damn good. I ditched my archer recently so I've been making qstaffs for my meta dexer macer. I have multiple slayers of every kind. For PvP, I roll with nothing less than an [exceptional/force] q staff now, which is vanq status, even though my primary weap is the war hammer. And losing one would mean nothing to me.

So I guess I'm with Vince. I use these weapons I make. If I had enough extras, I'd consider selling, but I tend to just stop chopping/crafting until I need something else.