WTS 120 taming 9m S/B

your post for it kinda looks to me at least like you are asking him to bid 10 mil and not bidding 10 mil for him. And your post came after mine so it wouldn't have been 5 hours since that regardless


@asics bid 10m on this please
Lollo has done bids for asics before and although the wording is a little weird I would say this is a bid. .. but if that's the case no one has won yet anyway since it's 24 hr after last bid.

If the 10m bid is accepted then auction would end in about 19.5 hr if no other bids.


i know the wording is strange but i will take it as a bid. 10m current by asics. it was made less than 2 hours after my 5 hours remaning post.
With the bid of 10m time reset and we have 18 hours remaining.