WTB 115 tailoring

Doobey Magee

Is 600k really what I'm gunna have to pay? Is it cheaper to buy the bods?
I mean That's like 30 ingenious maps.
I'm hoping someone tells me I've missheard and tells me they have one for less ;(


thats the high end, 400k Is low end.

I can probably get one in a bit. depending how much I have to pay for the BODs I would sell 450-500k. let me know.


I paid 500k for mine some months ago but yeah, anywhere from 350 to 600 is a "fair" price. All depending on supply and demand at that moment.

Doobey Magee

ty guys, i dont need a tailo for anything i was just trying to gt my mule toon built, ill play it slow and see if one pops up for 350-400
or maybe ill drop tailoring, havent usedthe 105-110 yet