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  1. khajja


    when you chop the butler, does its inventory get stored or is it lost?
  2. khajja

    So how is it?

    There have been many threads giving advice on how to survive pk attempts. I'm sure you've seen them. Here's a short list: 1) Carry potions and use them 2) Ensure you use bandages if you have healing ability 3) Wear armor 4) Recall between hits 5) Learn to run in a dungeon / how to time breaking...
  3. khajja

    Dont trust Biff#5840

    So Biff likes a post in this thread without replying? Sounds like an admission of guilt.
  4. khajja

    Sort Yer Shit ( Skill id loot and sort it )

    Nah. I stand by my criticism. It's BS that he'll take somebody else's script, make minor modifications, and tag it as his own. Either credit sources, or don't add your own tag. High quality nearly 3 year necro. A+
  5. khajja

    Lumberjack truth or myth

    If we trust the wiki, WH has max dmg of 36 and 3 axes go 38+ (without LJ). Those 3 have 30 speed vs the 31 speed of WH. Double axe has 37 speed and max dmg of 35. They seem fairly balanced without considering LJ. This aligns with my experience: warhammer has bigger single hits, but lower speed...
  6. khajja

    Lumberjack truth or myth

    an LJ outdamages a macer, easily
  7. khajja

    Dexxer keybinds and scripts

    you should look through the forum dedicated to UOSteam Macros to get started. before you do that, look through the uosteam 'hotkeys' as a lot of functionality is there, including targeting closest enemy and attack last. There's really no need to use in-game macros, except for bandageself.
  8. khajja

    Pop Pouches

    fyi, you can cast magic trap on any pouch to make it a single-use trap pouch.
  9. khajja

    Lethal Poison

    I don't think lethal poison can be cured by pots. Deadly poison is like an 80% cure rate with gcure pot. If players could reliably cast poison that wasn't pot-curable, it would change pvp to more resemble 5x dueling. Poison and keep em from curing. I don't care about what is and isn't OP, just...
  10. khajja

    Which weapon is least affected by Tactics?

    I, personally, greatly dislike playing a defensive warrior. It's not fun. A berserker with high damage is much more enjoyable (and profitable). Without tactics, you'll want to shoot yourself.
  11. khajja

    Some Thoughts On Coming Back To UO:F

    aggy runics that run ~80k are mid range and are your example of a small reward?
  12. khajja

    Some Thoughts On Coming Back To UO:F

    as a dexxer, work on your running. between bandages and gheal pots, you cannot be potted down. if you can run better than your aggressor, you win. what would you propose as a down-side to the red playstyle?
  13. khajja

    WTS 3+ Armor Patch (prob one of last to be on sale ever!)

    I remember selling mine for 400k each. :(
  14. khajja

    Sandman's Pawn Shop

    As I read this, you will accept an item worth 1mil as collateral for a 1.2mil loan (which seems a recipe to lose 20%). If this is not the case, may want to clarify that you will advance up to 80% of the market value of collateral. You could also describe it as a haircut. Neat idea though, I...
  15. khajja

    How do they IDOC with 100% Accurate Timing?

    IDOCing is a longstanding part of the game. Kenny, your suggestion eliminates that style of play. Also, IDOCing requires dedication, not wealth. PVM is where wealth plays a role with meta pets / talismans.
  16. khajja

    Rules: and Eliminating Gray areas

    Communication (content, clarity, distribution) has never been a strength here. Been that way since the beginning, unfortunately.
  17. khajja

    Does anyone use BOTH UOS, and Sallos?

    in the uof launcher, you can point to the game directory you want sallos to use, select sallos as client, and run to configure
  18. khajja

    Talisman question

    you playing again heli?
  19. khajja

    Talisman question

    Ludwig, at champs I do better on leaderboards with an axe vs a katana as an LJ, considerably better. I think without relics it's a wash. But doublestrike and phaseshift are that much stronger on an LJ...
  20. khajja

    Talisman question

    if your goal is to do well at champs or other end-game content, go berserker. it can hang with rogues and tamers. the defensive dexxer can't put up anywhere near the same damage numbers.