Search results

  1. Jons

    WTS Rideable Wolf IceBlue/Shadow

    super bump
  2. Jons

    WTS Rideable Wolf IceBlue/Shadow

    Bump I have some Holiday tree deeds as well
  3. Jons

    WTS Rideable Wolf IceBlue/Shadow

    Thanks for the free bump, little more white and bright ingame
  4. Jons

    WTS Rideable Wolf IceBlue/Shadow

    Have had these for some time now. Throw out some offers and Ill sell them pretty cheap.
  5. Jons

    WTS First Edition "20 Terrible Puns" by lobber

    SOLD to Bromista!!
  6. Jons

    WTS First Edition "20 Terrible Puns" by lobber

    First Edition "20 Terrible Puns" by lobber - only 10 copies in circulation ICE BLUE Rideable wolf
  7. Jons

    WTS Ice Blue Rideable Wolf

    Selling Ice White Blue Rideable Wolf 550k
  8. Jons

    WTS Christmas Tree and Christmas Gift Cerificate

    Have 1 Holiday Tree - 60k And 2 x Gift certificates to choose the Deco that you want!! - 200k each You can choose from the gift certificate 1 of 14 gifts: A Snowglobe A Holiday Statuette A Pile of Snow A Holiday Tree A Holiday Ball A Yule Log A Christmas Candle A Snow Mound A Snowman Mistletoe...
  9. Jons

    WTB Blood Red Cloth

    Looking for 13 Blood Red Cloth IRC- Cinnamon
  10. Jons

    WTS Ice Blue Rideable Wolf

    Pm Offers
  11. Jons

    Res Bonded Pets that Req 50 taming

    Im totally down to pay a gold fee for a low level pet res.
  12. Jons

    Res Bonded Pets that Req 50 taming

    i simply would like to see a way to res a bond mount that does not include relying on another player or making a character just to res the pets. Like i said before, just basic mounts.
  13. Jons

    Res Bonded Pets that Req 50 taming

    This is great idea too. I really don't want to rely on people at Brit bank or my alliance to res a regular mount. These mounts are just for aesthetics only and i do not want to go through a 20min hassle to get my mount ressed.
  14. Jons

    Res Bonded Pets that Req 50 taming

    Yes, only these lower end mounts and animals. Llamas, wolves etc..
  15. Jons

    Res Bonded Pets that Req 50 taming

    Simply proposing that pets that require 50 taming or less able to be ressed with only healing skill or Margery. Not for the higher pets, dragons, nightmares, death beetles etc. I mostly play on dexxers, mages, Provo and would like to have a rare wolf as my mount. I do not have professional...
  16. Jons

    Res Bonded Pets that Req 50 taming

    I think that players who do not have a vet or a pro tamer should be able to res their bonded pet with healing or magery if the pet requires 50 or less taming, making dexxers, miners, farmers able to purchase higher end mounts.
  17. Jons

    WTB Ehty Wolf

    PM me charcoal too if you have it
  18. Jons

    WTS Ice Blue Rideable Wolf

    1.2m selling tomorrow afternoon