Search results

  1. asics

    WTB House next to an Ankh

    The one in ice and i have a 18x16 next to that.. Like 5sec of run or less.. I can sell both maybe if i get pretty good offers
  2. asics

    WTS Sand vortex statue!

  3. asics


  4. asics

    PC White Horse Statue

    Btw is just an horse statue pw version right?
  5. asics

    PC White Horse Statue

    1mil :))))
  6. asics

    How many power scrolls does a harrower drop?

    6+1 faction in every spot, and is not 100% relic.. After 15-20 Harrowr just 1 blood 1 molten.. Some titles..pile of skulls artifacts.. And a lot of red skulls
  7. asics

    WTS Exeptional vanquishing eminently accurate bow

    Im not interested in buying.. Just an advise to seller. U can sell it for 10-25k range imho..maybe less
  8. asics

    WTT 1 Green Orc mask (In the spirit of 1 Red Paper Clip) @ Falloon Evil Mage Skelly

    Just a single item or multiple items too? Like a Blessed robe and a double sash and charcoal sandals would be a valid offer?
  9. asics

    BOD & BOD Reward Pricing?

    Almost every price for rewards is fucked.. Maybe runic tools have a market and some tier 5 cloths @eppy Pls update colora of bods..or look my old post with recipe one shot to mix colors and get new ones :)
  10. asics

    Metallic Red Spellbook !!!

    Skype me :)
  11. asics

    WTT 30x30 No Cut Cave House

    Top house of the server
  12. asics


    250k hat
  13. asics

    WTS dog statue

  14. asics

    Gold Farming

    Make a provò mage or provò Archer .. Cheap and fast to build. Look into the wiki uof for the suggestione on how macro that char..or just search on forse with research function the template
  15. asics

    meta spider - 200ps requir

    Instead 200x random PS why not something like: 5-10x each skill 105 3-5x eachcskill 110 1-2x eachskill 115 2 different 120 This can really make some PS get some value.. I mean whit this SYS .. 110 and 115 and also 120 are worth more again.. If not is just power fsrming.. And EACh PS get the...
  16. asics


    Really cheap, bump
  17. asics

    WTB 30k dono-4.5mil

    I have 20k if @puffy dont want
  18. asics

    Proposal of New Metals Addition to UOF

    sweet idea , maybe we can just have some new metals some just "deco" metals : example: icy iron , blaze iron, othernice hue iron : you can craft everything but armor\weapon will have like 10%hp so they will be not useful in pvp\pvm but u can craft really nice things with...