Search results

  1. L

    WTS some PS's and SS's

    I'd like to buy 3 Tailoring SS if you still have them
  2. L

    WTB 15x EQ Spined Leather Gorget sBOD

    I can meet just about anywhere though
  3. L

    WTB 15x EQ Spined Leather Gorget sBOD

    Sounds good, I'm currently at the Docks, Samalander is the characters name
  4. L

    WTB 15x EQ Spined Leather Gorget sBOD

    Got a few from Guttersnipe for 30k and one from Dwayne for 15k
  5. L

    WTB 15x EQ Spined Leather Gorget sBOD

    Super, how much you want for it?
  6. L

    Looking for someone familiar with crafting trades [EDIT] Not sure if that's outdated or not as I seem to remember crafting some random slayers while leveling carp and bs there.
  7. L

    WTS 9x14 3 story in Yew. [SOLD]

    Asking 250k.
  8. L

    Treasure Hunter

    I'm not sure about matching it with UOAM, but this site works for matching the numbers to the libraries.
  9. L

    Moar Paragon mob types.

    Rabbit Paragon, you can call him Tim.
  10. L

    WTB Guard zone vendor house

    Anything specific on a location you're looking for aside from being on the guard zone? [EDIT] Found one that says its for sale by the Vesper bridge going towards Minoc. There was a thread selling it, but seeing as the sign hasn't been changed, maybe the buyer backed out. Here's the link...
  11. L

    Help me choose house

    Custom houses can get expensive depending on how elaborate you want the design to be. To customize, it is 10k flat + 500g per tile. Really useful tool for house placement. One thing to consider though, while deeds for the classics can be stolen, they are generally much cheaper.
  12. L

    WTS 9x9 on Minoc Guard Line. [SOLD]

    be there in a min
  13. L

    WTB Lockpicking kit.

    I've seen them go from 1k-5k, I'll likely put them up for 500g or something, mats are pretty negligible.
  14. L

    WTS 9x9 on Minoc Guard Line. [SOLD]

    Can't do that low, costs more to place the lot. Sending you a PM for something similar though.
  15. L

    WTB Lockpicking kit.

    I likely won't stock them, but I can toss them on there for pickup on request.
  16. L

    WTB Plainly Drawn Maps

    Someone has a vendor just south of the Yew crypt that has them stocked for fairly cheap.