All those crafting "penalties" mean jack shit to the person wearing the armor. Not everyone who wears armor relies on magic and mana regen. And the dex loss is not the reason plate mail isn't worn. It's because there is armor that gives high enough ar without the dex loss. If ar values were...
Bring back dex penalties. Slightly buff ar values of plate and bone to coincide with the dex penalties. Basically, there needs to be a tradeoff for higher ar values. You shouldn't be able to achieve 40+ ar values without suffering some sort of penalty or paying a higher price for magic armor.
Great PVM template. If you're big pimping, some slayer armor, high end shield, and some pots or petals and you'll be unstoppable. PVP on the other hand, the above poster is right. If you want to do any serious PVP, ditch parry for alchemy or scribe. Stats, probably 90 90 45 or 100 80 45 if...
This is the build my LJ uses and it works very nicely. You can also do PVM just fine with this build and make a little gold with it if you're feeling froggy. You'll do well on the champ scores too. I prefer hiding over the other choices but you can always pick up magery, scribe, poisoning...
Yeah, swords is the weapon skill and lumberjack is the support skill. If you'd rather have a different skill, you can always switch to a macer or fencer and replace lumberjacking with the standard alchy, scribe, poison, hiding, whatever.
He's not the only one who bought those valorite weapons. I bought three myself. Problem is I'm about to throw my laptop out the window so all my screenshots of them will be destroyed. Woe is me.
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