Tactics gives accuracy for archery instead of damage. Magic weapons will increase your Archery instead of Tactics as well. You wont hit much without tactics from what I understand.
Getting PKed and robbed blind is what brought me back to UO after all these years :>
The thrill and that mad rush you get!
That's part of UO. You can't take that away.
Yea, but they don't add any dmg to weapons, only durability. :<
From what I've found, magic is still better. A Fort set gives more than a Verite set and costs less. It just doesnt look as nice.
Is Queue last target box ticked? That's the only reason I can think of why it would throw it straight away. You must have a target queued.
edit: Sorry, didnt realise thread was old. :<
Im not sure about gains from mobs.. I would assumed it should raise it. are you well fed and drank water?
I macrod my stealing to 100 with a packhorse before I bothered stealing from anything. You can find a guide to setting up a macro with razor on google or on the forums somewhere. All you...
really? Because I don't dream lol. I just pass out and everything is black at night.
But I remember having a few UO dreams when I was younger. They're always a lol.
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