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  1. Rusty Hart

    WTS HUGE SALE ~~Must See~~

    How much for blessed pouch
  2. Rusty Hart


    your sell threads never have a price?
  3. Rusty Hart

    WTS Going out of bidness sale!!!

    Ill take the barbed
  4. Rusty Hart

    WTB bulk kegs

    irc itame
  5. Rusty Hart

    WTB kegs

    irc itame or pm me here
  6. Rusty Hart


    rare [rair] Spell Syllables Synonyms Examples Word Origin adjective, rarer, rarest. 1. coming or occurring far apart in time; unusual; uncommon: a rare disease; His visits are rare occasions. 2. thinly distributed over an area; few and widely separated: Lighthouses are rare on that part of...
  7. Rusty Hart

    Tamer Builds Please

    On the defense template id drop eval for resist fyi. And pvp tamer drop vet for wrestle
  8. Rusty Hart

    Question about 'The Butler'

    Its badass buy it
  9. Rusty Hart


    And who knows maybe they do drop other shit but its just an uber rare drop.
  10. Rusty Hart


    Ive gotten a relic. They are called rare drops for a reason, if it was an easy drop there would be no market for relics. I like the way UOF keeps shit rare.
  11. Rusty Hart


    Vivify - Chance to enhance summons, both skills and stats (not ev or blades) 1M
  12. Rusty Hart

    WTS 120 animal taming sold

    sold sorry get irc man!
  13. Rusty Hart

    WTS 120 animal taming sold

    good start to a morning 8m irc itame or mt bowl
  14. Rusty Hart

    WTS sold

    its so glorious and it can be yours for 500k firms irc itame or pm me
  15. Rusty Hart

    Big Poker Pots

    hit the royal and didnt get any money!
  16. Rusty Hart

    Big Poker Pots

    did you get any action
  17. Rusty Hart

    WTS Bloodstained Ring

  18. Rusty Hart

    stackable repair deeds

    me either lol.
  19. Rusty Hart


  20. Rusty Hart

    stackable repair deeds

    i had to place a house just to hold my blacksmith, tailor, and bow repair deeds. wondering hwo hard it would be to make them stackable