Search results

  1. DingDong

    WTB mining power scroll

    I don't have any mining scrolls but just wanted to say that you need a 105 first if you dont have one. it goes like this, eat the 105 and get mining to 105 before you can eat the 110 and get to 110 i mining and so on up to 120 if you want that. Same with all ps and skills, you cant just buy a...
  2. DingDong

    WTS Orange Petals and Green Nets + More

    Orange petals 450 per (Have 100) Green nets 2k per (Have 60) SS +1 Lockpick 20k (1) +1 Poisoning 20k (3) +1 Inscribe 7k (1) +1 Archery 6k (5) if any of the prices are totaly wrong due to market price pls pm me the correction :) PM here or Ding on discord (Will not answer to peps that offer...
  3. DingDong

    WTT Done

    pm:d you
  4. DingDong

    WTT Done

    I have a Provo PS 110 to much but miss a Provo PS 105...Shoot me a pm if you wanna trade...
  5. DingDong

    Use object type vs use specific object

    I'm not near comp atm but the line here seems wrong usetype @@@ 'any' '2' 'ground' try usetype @@@ 'any' 'ground' 2 ('ground' with brackets first, then 2 without the brackets) I check my macro when I log in next time.
  6. DingDong

    Kegs Pricing

    Thanks alot for the info Firecrest.
  7. DingDong

    Kegs Pricing

    First timer setting up a vendor. Gonna try to sell filled kegs, whats the avarage rate on the kegs and wich kegs are the best selling ones? Gheal - ? Gcure - ? GAgi - ? Gstr - ? GRef - ? Gexp - ? Gpois or Dpois, Will both sell or only Dpoi? and to what price? Thanks
  8. DingDong

    WTB Small House/Plot (Mining)

    I'm looking for a house or plot, my funds a low so I go for a small house or plot. Looking for a quiet mining place and if possible near woods for lumberjacking The house must be next to a mountain. If its also near a mining cave that is a huge + Quiet place without a neighbour right outside...
  9. DingDong

    WTB Done

    Found what I was looking for. Cheers everyone
  10. DingDong

    Buying 100/100 locked box

    You only need 1 box. Pick it -- > lock it and from beginning again. 2 or 3 boxes tbh, 1 made by a tinker with 50 tinkskill, 1 made by a 75 in tink skill and one gm tinkermade. At 50 lockpick start with the box made with 50 tink, when skillgains slow, start with the higher level chest and finally...
  11. DingDong

    Where to find Vanq Weps?

    Al right, thanks a bunch guys...What level of t-maps should I go for to have a good chance of a vanq drop? Found many dungeon chests, but have no luck with them, only low magic weps yet, I will keep trying :)
  12. DingDong

    Where to find Vanq Weps?

    Just curios what mobs that might drop vanq weps, or chests, treasures or whatever. How do players gets 100s of vanq:s weps these day? Any tip are welcome, places with lesser pk:s is preferd :)
  13. DingDong

    Remove Trap?

    The tinker in brit I think it was, just the building north of the west bank trains remove traps...but you need the skills that mentions above. Edit: must been drunk that day without even knowing it my self. I know I trained remove traps from a vendor in Britain 2 weeks ago just above the bank...
  14. DingDong

    Missing Gold

    You can say for example withdraw 300 to get out 300 gp from the bank, or larger amounts you say check amount. If its deposit it wont take up all the space in your bankbox.
  15. DingDong


    Didnt even know the 0.1 SS existed...
  16. DingDong


    Did when I was younger...was no good idea those times. Lost much stuff, and did always had a long run with my ghost to find the nearest healer the day after.
  17. DingDong

    Melee PVM?

    Thanks alot for the advice, I will go there someday, just gonna farm the weps and or get the gold to buy all the vanq weps for the quest. :) it will take sometime for me.
  18. DingDong

    res spells, inscript and or parry

    Sounds good, ill go for those stats, seems to be a good mixx, and ya, forgot about the gm magery and inscript bonus, i even said it my self in the first post stupid me :) Its time to get inscript up, my first one ever. Thanks again for all the help...
  19. DingDong

    res spells, inscript and or parry

    Haha Thanks alot, I think i go for there any point in dropping magery to 70 or something and 30 med? Any suggestions about the stats?