Search results

  1. M

    WTB Taming ss

    Got one for ya
  2. M

    WTS animal lore 115 S/B 100k B/O 150l PM me

    WTS animal lore 115 S/B 100k B/O 150l PM me
  3. M


    Will take the 110 lore and 110 provoke if still available . Didn't t find them on your vendor
  4. M

    WTS Sale

    I'll take all the lev 4 - 6 maps and all SS. PM me will be on in 5 hours
  5. M

    Hard to tame hell hounds.. they break peace

    Ah...i feel so stupid now. Worked like a charm. Thanks Derwolf.
  6. M

    Hard to tame hell hounds.. they break peace

    Hi I'm about 97 taming and doing hell hounds and large cats. Funny thing is I have no problem peacing cats but when I peace hell hounds the break their peacemaking in like 2 seconds so its nearly impossible to tame them? Am I doing something wrong or is this normal? Of course I can't peace the...
  7. M

    WTS SS/maps/others

    dude I made an offer for your quest vanquishing and fencing weapons... am on now
  8. M

    WTS SS/maps/others

    dude I'm on now made an offer for all your qest vanquishing and the fencing weapons
  9. M

    hey dude I saw on one of the forum posts you have an anti PK macro? I've been fiddling with it...

    hey dude I saw on one of the forum posts you have an anti PK macro? I've been fiddling with it but I;ve been unable to get it to work on field as it keeps recalling from dungeon monsters once I attack them. Could you share your macro ?
  10. M

    Why is it a server this big does not use discord?

    ok noob question... what is discord?
  11. M

    How can i fix this problem?

    how did you get that wow
  12. M

    Blacked out areas inside of my game window *pic*

    is there anyway to increase the size of gems?
  13. M

    So... Where do I want to go?

    yeah sandbox game is like that
  14. M

    My Razor hotkeys keep messing up.

    got the same problem too
  15. M

    Using Multiple accounts

    new rules up yet?
  16. M

    WTS 105 Fishing,BS,Animal Lore,Provo,Taming/110 Carp/115 Peace

    bumping to get enought posts to PM you Sanchen