Search results

  1. Sparhawk

    Fishing template

    Thats a pretty solid build, you may want to switch out some magery/resist for gm tracking tho. Gm track gives a big boost to your ship scan range (scan the horizons) command. Stats wise 100/100/25 is fine, maximising hps/carry cap/atk and heal speed. Only need enough int and magery to scroll...
  2. Sparhawk

    suspended Relic

    I dont think you can delete them anymore? I moved all my relics to suspend bar one to level it without doing so much dmg, i found there was a cooldown for unsuspending of aorx 2mins. You wont see the little dash sogn next to the relic on suspend menu if ones just been moved, but give it a cpl...
  3. Sparhawk

    WTS RARE "Pot o' Gold"

  4. Sparhawk

    WTS Blaze Battle Chicken

  5. Sparhawk

    WTS Blaze Battle Chicken

  6. Sparhawk

    WTS Rare and Unique Pets Collection

    1) ended - @KiriakosPati winner 2) accepting offers 3) accepting offers 4) 11hrs to go @Sadistik current highest bidder 750k 5) accepting offers 6) sold
  7. Sparhawk

    WTS Rare and Unique Pets Collection

    not for sale mate, hes too fun to part with :) Update Bump 1) Current Bid KiriakosPati 2m 4) Current Bid Nikkon 600k 6) Sold
  8. Sparhawk

    WTS Rare and Unique Pets Collection

    Fire sheep — pending sale
  9. Sparhawk

    WTS Rare and Unique Pets Collection

    Putting up for offers/trade/sale many of the unique and rare pets i've collected over the last few years. Some of these are from event rewards, early server one of a kinds, or just rare spawns. Most of these can be used with any character build, ie not tamer only opening up alot of build...
  10. Sparhawk

    WTS SEXYBEAST - Lv4 Meta Steed Reptile with Bloody and Paralytic, Ratman hue

    Y’all need to look closer at the date.
  11. Sparhawk

    WTS Event frags, warden gloves, monastery bell

    Warden gloves sb
  12. Sparhawk

    WTS ** Valorite Ageless Castle **

    Didnt see that, thanks @cups :)
  13. Sparhawk

    WTS ** Valorite Ageless Castle **

    Does the cellar go full length/ width on casties, or follow the courtyard footprint? Gratz on the rafflewin btw :)
  14. Sparhawk

    WTS Buttercup's Rando Stuff

    Would like to buy: Ankh of blinding Research doc Paragon gazer statue (if old style) Thanks!
  15. Sparhawk

    WTS 18x18 South Trin + 50% Storage Increase

    Test was down so i couldnt check, but confirmed with Eppy as long as plot isnt dropped storage increase transfers with ownership. Good call tho
  16. Sparhawk

    WTS 18x18 South Trin + 50% Storage Increase

    this auction is on hold, pending buyout trade offer going through
  17. Sparhawk

    Fishing Tournament Revamp Idea

    Hear hear!
  18. Sparhawk

    WTS 18x18 South Trin + 50% Storage Increase

    I totally agree man. Realestate has always been location first. Its not no-cut primo, but not ghetto either. I found it to be exactly as needed for a fishermens depot. Over the close to three years ive never had a single problem in this plot, neighbours have come and gone, plots up and down. I...
  19. Sparhawk

    WTS 18x18 South Trin + 50% Storage Increase

    So...just so i’m clear on the timeline, 5 days ago you put up for auction your snakes pass 18x18 plot, incidentally less than a screen north of my 30x30. Two hand-wringing days later after not recieving a single bid you either: A) post a fictional 9m sold post to save face B) accept an out...