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  1. Strixamaholic

    Ship Upgrade Info

    Shouldnt chainshot be grapeshot? Chain shot is traditional used to shoot sails and rigging to slow/incapacitate boats. Grapeshot was used for clearing decks. I am Horatio Hornblower 2.0
  2. Strixamaholic

    Picking Cotton and Sheering Sheep

    Jhelom pens. I thing skara farms.
  3. Strixamaholic

    deep water dragons

    Again how can you effectively heal it in a boat if you cant reach it lol
  4. Strixamaholic

    Would people be interested in a raffle?

    Set max amount people can buy. Sucks when I can only buy like ten tickets but people with more time on their hands can buy 100.
  5. Strixamaholic

    Whats the appropriate slayer for khaldun

    silver and repond i think
  6. Strixamaholic

    Giant beetle disappeared but still alive

    Or someone invised it lol
  7. Strixamaholic

    Cannot see Razor Screen, please advise

    Double che k you have framework .net etc installed. try running as administrator as well. if that fails reinstall
  8. Strixamaholic

    Thief murderer..

    Least my thief is safe from Sommerella lol
  9. Strixamaholic

    Dragon+WW or Dragon+Young Dragon or Dragon+Mare

    Im rocking a drag and mare for the mount bonus. Young drags are a tad squishy but i have two em i use for boating
  10. Strixamaholic

    Soul Stones!!

    I think he is talking about it being character linked. so you cant put a skill on there and give it to another. Hes talking about putting lets say scribe onto the stone so he can try alchy. if he doesnt like alchy he can swap it back for scribe. or be more versitile on one character. Not be abke...
  11. Strixamaholic


    Lol BCD. Maybe @soulmate could elaborate. Big chicken dinner. Bad conduct discharge. Kids these days :P
  12. Strixamaholic


    Ok maybd you dont. Im refering to og= olive greens a Canadian military reference according to prevuous issue before cad packs. Big chicken dinner for you sir
  13. Strixamaholic


    Far as I know its auto bond. and damn son you got the og reference?
  14. Strixamaholic


    far as i know eggs are bondes from hatch each level are different taming requirments. btw sweet ogs you have in the pic
  15. Strixamaholic

    Is CONQUESTS broken?

    nah buddy mine was still there after move it waa this week it reset
  16. Strixamaholic

    Is CONQUESTS broken?

    I think they might be. Mine were reset this week some how
  17. Strixamaholic

    Spam Filter at Brit Bank Plz

    Ya it is over the top. A vendor spam location would be alot more productive and less annoying
  18. Strixamaholic

    Slices 3rd Coin Jar guess giveaway!

    First off what currency is it? If your canadian there could be loonoes and twonies in it
  19. Strixamaholic

    deep water dragons

    How the hell can you heal it without spamming gheal