I propose a new battle ground that is based on a Last Man Standing type of game. In the game I think there should be a mob like the dragon Bahamut. Maybe just a small square zone with a couple hallways or something. Allow no offensive spells/attacks whatsoever and just make it a battle ground of...
PCH helps more new players than probably anyone on the server, Guwap/Greenbud and I have not only bought houses for, but completely stocked many new players over the last two months. We actually thought about recording it/ taking screen shots to show what some reds do for people on this server...
Too much to screen shot, like 50 blessed clothing items including 2 pure white robes, 120 pscrolls, rare color spellbooks, 10000 heads scattered throughout the house for some reason, buttloads of bod cloth? And thats just the start
Just wanted to give a shout out to tyler for being so kind as to let his house fall for me, I was glad to get every single thing and it really made my day. Thanks!
Why are you bitching about something at (edit: ) RDA creation is the real question, and gitRealKid u have seen what happens to people who 1v1 me.. don't be next.
Get in the here and now!!
You seem to be harping on "tracking RDAs is a bug." If it was a bug, then why was an upgrade to tracking on the gem put in place on the update? Lol. I know you're just trolling them but damn you are just annoying when you do it, lol. If you are going to do something at least gitGud@itPlz. :D
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