last large towers sold around 1.6-2mil
currently one on auction s/b 1mil, buyout 3mil
Lately max storage houses seem to be selling like hotcakes for $$$ high prices. Good luck!
Great-sale BUMP! Loaded butler is like 3.5-4mil or so, Dimensional Archway Approx 2.2mi, Cellar 2.5mil, Fay Design 900k+, Full Rune reliquary 2mil+. Several of the prices are from recent forums, but there is still a couple million in other items just on the picture. prob 15mil + worth in the...
from 500gold for common ones, 1k avg for random ones, to 2-5k+ for rare or desired letters/runes.
A full set of slayer armor, approx 6 pieces of armor, with 3-5 SPECIFIC glowing runes can cost upwards of...
Increases incentive for farming other Ore types as well, as we you will gain the most expensive ones in a fair quantity for any mining effort.
Try to carry E.V scrolls to help against a paragon elemental. 2 energy vortexes versus a paragon earth elemental should do the trick
@halygon Why was i banned from discord for asking when and who enforced that rule, after a moderator exclaimed that this rule has, in fact, been in effect for quite some time? Misuse of power? Taking on personal issues by issuing bans and deleting game content text more appropriate to UOFK...
My unwanted purge from the group + it's lack of existence on my discord channel would show otherwise. Thank you for your contribution to the UOFK community.
@nax2005 Real estate location is important. This house is not minimum sized, so it let's the owner have a bit of workable space. For PvP or just average day adventuring, this spot is niche. I'll be gone for a few hours and will be closing auction upon my return!!
Going to pump a few more bow-crafting rounds into this soon! Thanks again to all the bidders!! Reminder this auction will close Either Thursday evening or Early Friday depending on my availability. Next batch will be an attempt at more Yew Slayers.
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