Search results

  1. V

    WTS 28 Glowing Runes

    If you're still interested in the Platinum I'll let that go for 70k, 20k for the runes would make it 90k for both. How's that?
  2. V

    WTS 3.500 Platinum Coins 85k

    Mmm I can come down to 70k
  3. V

    WTS 28 Glowing Runes

    I have a pouch of 28 glowing runes I'm trying to sell. a few are doubles but mostly not. 20k
  4. V

    WTS 3.500 Platinum Coins 85k

    Selling 3500 Platinum coins. 85k
  5. V

    WTS x1 Poisoning SS

    x1 Poisoning SS 40k
  6. V

    WTS 120 provo sb 800k b/o 1.5 min bid inc. 100k Ends 24hr after last bid.

    I'll start by maxing out my credit, and bid 800k :)
  7. V

    WTS Locked Halloween Orange Chest + Purple Skin Dye

    Sorry, must have missed you, couldn't find you down there!
  8. V

    WTS Locked Halloween Orange Chest + Purple Skin Dye

    Ok, I'll be there in a minute. I'm FourteenSpaces. blue robe.
  9. V

    WTS Locked Halloween Orange Chest + Purple Skin Dye

    I neglected to put a buy out in there, looking for 75k to buy out the auction. If that works for you I'll be back on in a little bit. :)
  10. V

    WTS Locked Halloween Orange Chest + Purple Skin Dye

    Selling a dark Orange hue Halloween chest, haven't opened it. Dropped from an Ettin. Purple skin dye with it. s/b 50k
  11. V

    WTS Purple *Locked* Paragon Chest

    Selling an Orange chest and Purple dye!
  12. V

    Calling all t hunters. .

    I hate when they leave unfinished mobs on the spawn spot too, so when you recall to chest location you start with a nice smack from an Ogre Lord, or worse!! Treasure hunters need to be getting in on the Halloween action, chests are spawning paragons and Halloween spirits. Adds a new level of...
  13. V

    Halloween Loot!!

    No costumes, but I have an Orange chest and both Orange & Purple skin dye which I'll be selling or trading
  14. V

    Halloween 2013 Costume problems

    I though Mods said 2013 costumes etc would be disabled, and not to go buying them from vendors with the expectation they'll work. Only this years masks will work? think it's somewhere on the Halloween updates thread
  15. V

    WTB Thanks!

    Several?? You really are a lucky barsteward :)
  16. V

    WTS 120 Provo - 600k

    Would you happen to want Orange & Purple Halloween skin dye? if so how about those plus 700k? Have zombleland and battleborn red dye too.
  17. V

    WTS 120 Provo - 600k

    Yeah It's a bit steep for me, sorry. 650k is my price region :S
  18. V

    WTS Chest of various Vanquishing weapons

    How about all the weapons, Vanq and slayers. Around 150 various weapons total, lots of good axes and maces in there... 300k for the lot? That makes it 2k per high end weapon. Some of these slayers would go for 10k themselves. I'm just looking to get rid as I'm going offline for a while, so may...
  19. V

    WTB Thanks!

    There's nothing special in the chests, just a regular paragon chest with a different hue colour. I finally had an Orange chest drop last night from an Ogre, The dye, masks etc drop on the corpse, not in the chest. Don't pay more than necessary :D