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  1. Infectious

    Can't flee in the heat of battle?

    If you have a murder count as a blue you cannot recall when flagged
  2. Infectious

    dessicate relic?

    Dont know why you tagged kilike in this but heres a video for refrence at one point serj is literally like 8 tiles away from him and bag is still open since when can i do that on steam/razor? Bags close like 3 tiles away on steam/razor nice try
  3. Infectious

    dessicate relic?

    or make it to where when you sneak into someones bags on sallos it actually closes when the person moves away as it does on the other 2 clients..... or not because people who use sallos suck dick and need any type of advantage they can get
  4. Infectious

    Phase Shift Revamp - Serious Comments ONLY

    Gold relic has risk involved with it
  5. Infectious

    UOF Vegas

    I wont even have to go anywhere!
  6. Infectious

    WTB Double Strike!

    @Guwap werent you selling one that you got the other day? could be wrong
  7. Infectious

    WTS Donation Coins

  8. Infectious

    WTS Donation Coins

    ill buy
  9. Infectious

    WTS Hue 971 Dragon Egg Auction

    971 is 100% ghost hue..... Same color as my meta nice find free bump
  10. Infectious

    New player. What Launcher should i use?

    Sallos for pvp Steam for literally everything else
  11. Infectious

    Animation/Effects for Meta Mage Relics

    We know youre in the lead stop rubbing it in our faces
  12. Infectious

    Make metas relevant to PVP

    Yeah i honestly dont know what the fuck hes going on about every one of your suggestions so far have been complete shit... how bout we let the staff focus on more pressing needs..... who the fuck cares if everyone is "7x gm in a week" if you want to pvp noobs go to the fucking bard table
  13. Infectious

    WTS 2 Bloodstained Cloth!!!

  14. Infectious

    WTS SOLD!!!

  15. Infectious

    Make metas relevant to PVP

    Please tell me when you see a group of "3 random pkers"....... Typically if i see 3 reds coming at me theyre in the same guild and in call... nothing random about it... so please make up more scenarios to make your point seem valid... Only tamers that i typically see actually rolling around...
  16. Infectious

    Make metas relevant to PVP

    If you cant easily dump on 1 tamer with 3 people you just suck
  17. Infectious

    Forum Mods are doing too good of a job :)

    He's saying you havent seen his TRUE FORUM!
  18. Infectious

    WTS SOLD!!!

    Not sure if hes gonna reply or not so ill keep this auction going until then
  19. Infectious

    WTS SOLD!!!

    Night Bump!!!