Search results

  1. G

    WTS Rare 3-Story New Magincia House (SOLD)

    Sounds like a great place for thieves to live...!
  2. G

    WTB House at West Brit Crossroads!

    Anyone own any of these delightful houses!?
  3. G

    Your finest fails

    Haha love that. I've had many an idoc fail. Nothing worse than recording a load of runes. Marking the fall time and realising your translation of time from GMT to EST was wrong. Recall in a minute before drop to see a load or dirt plots and empty chests...
  4. G

    PvP Balance - A Modest Proposal

    Good luck trying to get change in pvp. They don't care. Pvp doesn't sell donos. People needing money for meta pets and talisman does.
  5. G

    WTB House at West Brit Crossroads!

  6. G

    WTB House at West Brit Crossroads!

    Thanks for your reply Moonori!
  7. G

    WTB House at West Brit Crossroads!

    Looking for the owner of any of these plots!
  8. G

    Horse Barding Deeds

    Amazed this isn't already in. Don't see the downside if spawn is same rate as swampy. Presumably it's not hard to code? Very strong poll results!
  9. G

    Well this looks crappy

  10. G

    UOSteam Intel ICD OpenGL Driver Error

    @parsnip guided me through this process very helpfully this morning. It worked following a computer restart. Thanks for your patience with me - top vegetable!
  11. G

    Grish'nak Giveaway!

    [100k of checks given out today. Come find us in the caves and you just never know what you might get! Personal highlight was two tamers discussing orcs after being klomped. 'I love those orcs', says one 'they are true to their word' says the other, 'but I just want to gain skills in power...
  12. G

    Grish'nak Giveaway!

    Lil spidey nurly eated us. Ut leest oomie gut a lil but of papr!
  13. G

    Grish'nak Giveaway!

    Grish's gud givawayz Me hab tu mani shinies frum stoopid oomies. Me gut scamd frum oomie dat swutched shines fur silly papr. Me nub wunt papr but me wunt blud. Me prefr blud tu shinies nuw am a uld urk Da neks oomie tu klomp me gets tu hav stoopid oomie papr *on close inspection, the...
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    Please Add an Orc Cave Champ, a suggestion poem

    Has this idea been discussed at all?@staff
  15. G

    Please Add an Orc Cave Champ, a suggestion poem

    Der iz a ballut bux in der urk cabe tin man...