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  1. WRSampson

    2 ethereal horses, beginner discount!

    Hey guys, still pretty new here. Been grinding my way towards a house the past couple of weeks. I currently have one character a 6x provo archer and have decided to start my other characters after I get a house to have a somewhat safe place to macro. I am also currently looking for a guild right...
  2. WRSampson

    Gain provo 90-100

    Are you still able to tele onto the bard tables? I keep getting "location blocked" Or is there someone who can help me out with a rune or a gate to get onto the tables for a mark?
  3. WRSampson

    Provo // Archer template

    I am currently doing a 7x template with archery/tact/anat/heal/provo/music and going with resist instead of hiding. I see a lot of people going with hiding and no resist. Going to see how it works out when I to provo dragons or lich lords and stuff like that.