Search results

  1. Elizabeth Gold

    Valorite is getting more worthless every day. Shadow becomes the new valorite.

    Don't need to, it's already happening. Some would say it's like an invisible hand that's determining the price... very odd!
  2. Elizabeth Gold

    Valorite is getting more worthless every day. Shadow becomes the new valorite.

    Just found some additional evidence. The same vendor selling exceptional barding deeds: - Valorite: 300k - Shadow: 350k
  3. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS Bows / XBows -> Xeng's Woodwork Store

    Love your shop xeng. Up up up you go!
  4. Elizabeth Gold

    Valorite is getting more worthless every day. Shadow becomes the new valorite.

    Earlier this year two changes were made that had a direct impact on the ingot market. While I predicted a certain impact on the ingot market, I would assume other changes would follow to keep things balanced. This wasn't the case and only four months later the effects are becoming visible. The...
  5. Elizabeth Gold

    WTB 40k Iron Ingots 300k

    320k and you got a deal, if you do find me on discord.
  6. Elizabeth Gold

    WTB Bountiful Harvest Perk

    Ill keep that in mind, I get them regulary.
  7. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS SOLD Bountiful Harvest Perks: 101 minutes, 132 minutes, 126 minutes & 67 minutes

    101 minutes, expires 6/16: 32k 126 minutes, expires 6/16: 40k 132 minutes, expires 6/18: 42k 67 minutes, expires 6/21: 22k (prices are about 320g / minute) Or buy em all for 125k
  8. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS SOLD Small house for beginners, next to britain mining cave - 80k.

    Will provide anvil/forge as well for free (not in picture, still need to make them)
  9. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS [sold] Double slayer bone armor (Repond/Archanid) auction

    Seems like a happy ending to me :rolleyes:
  10. Elizabeth Gold


    My first idea would be that it's a guild driving another guild out. They have to complete a champ to gain entrance. It get's more interesting if you got a mixed public champ going down (arch demon would be a good example).
  11. Elizabeth Gold


    Sadis-Lem (translated: Crafting darkroom/hell) The overall idea is to attract crafters and gatherers to this dungeon that brings additional/unique benefits to them and require a more active/challenging playstyle. They face a large amount of exposure to other players in there and are encouraged...
  12. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS Ruined Tapestry

    @Lolitah can you contact me on Discord when you are available? Thx
  13. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS [SOLD] 17x15 | Max Storage | Vesper guardline south | Coast | No spawn/block

    Auction closed Sold for 3.5M to Raptor Jesus. I will miss this house.
  14. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS [SOLD] 17x15 | Max Storage | Vesper guardline south | Coast | No spawn/block

    All drama aside, this basicly sums up the current situation.
  15. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS Ruined Tapestry

    S/B: 600k Auction ends 24h's after last bid. Source: Rare drop / Old stealable rare. The last one sold for 1 mil in November 2016 according to the forum history.
  16. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS [SOLD] 17x15 | Max Storage | Vesper guardline south | Coast | No spawn/block

    it's past midnight over here, so auction closes 24h's after the last bid now.
  17. Elizabeth Gold

    Elizabeth Gold's MINER TEST LAB

    Test results used Double melting chance on iron ore
  18. Elizabeth Gold

    WTS [SOLD] 17x15 | Max Storage | Vesper guardline south | Coast | No spawn/block

    5 more days until auction closes. current high bid 1.35m