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  1. halv

    Multiple Family accounts

    We got the same issue. Everytime my wife, my son and me try to do PvP the chars behave weird. Sometimes chars freeze, weird thinks happen. We almost stopped playing since UO:F doesn't allow same IP PvP anymore.
  2. halv

    WTS 110 bowcraft PS

  3. halv

    Archers misses a lot

    What's a combat gem? I need to check patch notes. ;)
  4. halv

    Pirate City, where?!

    Water champ spawn. Get to a rune libary and recall to water champ. That's the pirate city there.
  5. halv

    Dungeon Chest Crawler

    I used to play dungeon stealther with rt and dh and all this other scout skills. I got bored very quickly. But listen to @Plexmormity I dropped dh and tracking for Provo too. That was a good thing.
  6. halv

    So how is it?

    But sometimes comes the rare moment you die and don't understand why. You see a red name and the next moment you are dead in 1-2 seconds. A PK showed up many tiles away and within one second he is standing next to you and you are dead. That's an issue, not pot throwing dexxers or mages...
  7. halv

    Vivify revamp (wow great idea cups!)

    Minoson is a level 1 Vivify Daemon. Surgat is a level 9 Vivify Daemon:
  8. halv

    Vivify revamp (wow great idea cups!)

    Huge difference. A level 10 can tank almost every high tier mob like AWs, ALs, OLs even in paragon version pretty long.
  9. halv

    Vivify revamp (wow great idea cups!)

    There is no issue with Vivify. Vivify is an awesome relic. I got it first on all my meta mages and i have to say i love a level 10 vivify demon tanking almost everything out there. You can recall with it. Remember, with the first Vivifies you couldn't even recall. IMO focus is the weak point...
  10. halv

    UOF Guild Populations (Updated)

    S-B and allies screenies sent. Please update.
  11. halv

    Finishing fishers

    Longer distance using the "scan the horizons" order. With crows nest and tracking you can scan more then 150 tiles.
  12. halv

    Meta dexxer template

    Almost the same like yours. I got 100 magery with 40 int and 20 med.
  13. halv

    WTS Talisman Relic XP Perk - 145 mins [SOLD]

    no worries, ty
  14. halv

    WTS Talisman Relic XP Perk - 145 mins [SOLD]

    I'll take it. get halv#1787 in Dis.cord i got 2 PS for you. But needs to be fresh.
  15. halv

    Lumberjack truth or myth Checking the dices for the axe: And the warhammer: Looking on that older dps calculations comparing warhammer and double axe even without...
  16. halv

    Meta dexxer template

    Older Post:
  17. halv

    Returning player with meta questions.

    There are champs you got some benefits with a defenser in first level, like Riktor and Mephitis. A defenser can be top score, but i think a zerker will always be on the top when playing from end to beginning.
  18. halv

    Meta dexxer template

    @AreYouKidden 40 Magery with the new reflect scaling gives you only 3 circle to reflect. I run 100 Magery and 20 Med on a Katana swordsman with leather slayer armor. I like to have the full 11 stat increase and 8 circle reflect. ;)
  19. halv

    WTS AUCTION Blood Red Rotting Corpse Statuette hue 1157

    Done. Contact @halv#1787 for business.