Yew vendor's inventory // PS, BOD rewards, potions, armors..


The vendor is in a sandstone workshop, wearing a red/blue robe, with red hair. The name changes all the time so no point writing what it is atm... I'll simply update what's on it here a couple times a week.

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** +3 mining gloves (note : they don't only raise your mining skill, they also let you smelt valo in one shot, which you can't do even at higher mining through the use of a powerscroll)
** Sets of valorite except dexxer suits
** Filled potions kegs, restocked daily, of every potion (except poisons)
** Slayer and other magical weapons
** Skill scrolls (no taming / poisoning, I only sell those on specific forum posts)
** Different tier 1-4 yards of cloth, lots of charcoal

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I am open to negotiate the price of the articles that are on the vendor at any moment.