WTB WTB donation coins or e-mount


190k per 1k donations coins...... no wait 200k per 1k I dont want to cheat myself! :p

FYI... if you search the selling forms you'll see multiple threads with people selling donations coins!!

Doobey Magee

I fair price would be 250K but there isn't enough gold out there tight now
There is a sub layer of uof that I am apart of.... There's a bunch of us. You see us everywhere. But hardly trade with us.

We all work on a different economic scale then your tier.
Our coins are 150 per k but 160 when we use forums cause we allow a haggle.
We sell everything for 10-30% cheaper then u guys. And we frequently use partial money/items to purchase. Like a vanq accurate katana a set of invuln armor, and 40k for 7 devious maps.


There is a sub layer of uof that I am apart of.... There's a bunch of us. You see us everywhere. But hardly trade with us.

We all work on a different economic scale then your tier.
Our coins are 150 per k but 160 when we use forums cause we allow a haggle.
We sell everything for 10-30% cheaper then u guys. And we frequently use partial money/items to purchase. Like a vanq accurate katana a set of invuln armor, and 40k for 7 devious maps.

Don't sell yourself short... your hard earned cash is worth the same as the rest of ours, maybe even more?!!

Doobey Magee

I make 100k an hour on the archer bard, and 80k an hour on the tmap hunter.
I make 12 an hour at work. So even.at 150k I'm still saving time. Not that I donate as much as I'd like. As u can imagine people that make 12 an hour are.on a tight budget.