What happened to the Pure White Furniture dye tub on the donation vendor?


What happened to the Pure White Furniture dye tub on the donation vendor? It was there for like 1 day...


Temporarily removed for fine-tuning.
Easier to remove now than have to sort through pages we need to go on peoples' word for.
No 100% ETA on its return. But it's being looked at.


if they had a more then 1 charge i think more people would buy it. but 1 charge is pretty senseless . same with the runedye tub from goldsink vendor. if you want something get used then lower the price for consumables. there Situation that comes up to often in game. Like i have marked 2 completly Champbooks with the Runedye and wupps next day Area got reworked and most of the books are useless no.

So Please lower the Prices to a reasonable Price for consumables.

And for House Designs. you need sometimes more as 1 Try to have a nice Design. House Designs are testing out like hell. but with one Charge not possible to try this or try that. etc.