What else don't I know about??


So I was in Destard, being an asshole on my thief and 10 ppl go flying past me with some HUGE dragon....The dragon was shooting 20x20 flamestrikes and suddenly it explodes and drops probably what was 50k in gold.


What was this?...How do I get involved in this? Why don't I know about this?

What else don't I know about???

I also just heard about a dueling area down by the docks in brit?? What?

I also have no idea what a champion spawn is,....where to go, or what to expect when I get there.

I have been here about two months...why don't I know about these things?

Where am I NOT going, that everyone else seems to be going, to learn about this stuff?

I'm sure it's user error....There's probably some article about it everytime I log in...
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I would say join a guild and you'll be exposed to opportunities from your guildmates. :) Can't explore everything on your own.


I would say join a guild and you'll be exposed to opportunities from your guildmates. :) Can't explore everything on your own.

You're probably right!

I have been solo this whole time.....Been focusing on my solo thief and my solo t-hunt-tamer.

I have a couple of other chars that I macroed in the background for fun:

1. Mage/scribe
2. Dex(fencing)/alchy/nox

Been thinking about Mage Tower for those chars....They seem like a good group.


Sounds like a champ spawn that was killed as you passed by.

Did gold rain from the sky/ceiling?

The City of Trinsic is always looking for new citizens to bask in the glory of independence. We offer RP (if interested), PvP, PvM, and lots of help.

Ask @Skye Wolfbane to join. :)




Staff member
On one hand i want to post all about these systems and in fact i think there is some info in the wiki.
On the other hand it's amazing that someone can come here and experience mysterious things to the point that they have to come into the community and ask questions (be a part of the community).

Lot's of fun things to learn about UO FOREVER!