Use-for-use how does the skill gain rate on UO:F compare to UO:R?


I played from early 1998-early 2000. Gains when I played seemed harder to come by than they are on UO:F. However, I used EZ-Macro, which wasn't nearly as efficient as Razor or Steam, so I don't know much of that extra difficulty was attributable to the shittiness of the macroing program.

After 100 skill uses outside of a dungeon on UO:F, how much more (or less) skill would a character, generally, gain than it would on UO:R?
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faster in UOF i know melee and magics are much faster, you can get 4x gm if you play 12 hours easily, and you can macro a lot of other things up in a day. then again it could be the dungeon bonuses but i wouldn't know an exact ratio


Just go macro in a dungeon and try to find a nice secluded area, very easy to GM here in about 2-3 days I easily 7xed an Alchy Mage very casually resetting my macros when necessary.

Hard to give you an exact ratio, but macring inside a dungeon gives you a dungeon skill gain bonus, also there is a well in Britain that some people swear by that increases your gains as well.