uosteam macro help

Hello, I am looking for help with this part of a script. It was originally set to not open trapped pouches (hue 38). Now with the intro of charge pouches (hue 1161) I can not seem to put "and" after 38, to include both.

if graphic 'found' == 0xe79 and color 'found' == 38

I tried using
if graphic 'found' == 0xe79 and color 'found' == 38 and 1161. didn't work



you will need to add an elseif...

if graphic 'found' == 0xe79 and color 'found' == 38
elseif graphic 'found' == 0xe79 and color 'found' == 1161

otherwise you could do it the easy way...

if findtype '0xe79' '38' 'backpack' 'any' '2' or findtype '0xe79' '1161' 'backpack' 'any' '2'


What is the clear target command for UOSteam? I have a very useful taming macro that I think all UOSteam tamers use but it locks onto a target and if I stop the macro and try to cast a spell I end up blasting the deer I just tamed lol.