Unopened chest of christmas wonders


But its basically a normal paragon chest? nothing special due to the christmas thing on it at all? what potentially could it give?

King Dingaling

But its basically a normal paragon chest? nothing special due to the christmas thing on it at all? what potentially could it give?
from my understanding..a basic paragon chest

those chests would drop special hue statues but i dont think they did this year

Li Meiyang

Ohhhh! I've been giving your scribe a ton of bidness, buying the heck out those recall scrolls from the convenience of my home. :)

Anyway, it came off a Titan. I bet if you hold it for a while, the value will rise. During x-mas they were 35k, but in a month or two it might get up to 100k+. I just hate holding onto stuff.

BTW: You can fit a custom 2-story in the spot you have. There was an empty custom plot there before you planted that small.