Ultra Bow


Exceptional/Vanquishing/Supremely Accurate (Frostwood Bow).

Equivalent of a valorite runic weapon, but without the indestructible modifier.

I don't think I'm selling, but I ran by a vendor that was selling frostwood logs that I don't have the patience to get myself anymore with my 120 LJ. I bought 300 logs @ 350gp (105k) thinking I was wasting my gold, but I came up really lucky.


max level runic weps are only used at duels as far as i saw(the not blessed ones). archery sux at duels so no one plays their archer in duels. thats perfect runic weapon tough, so ppl will want to buy for their collection. i think it will go for 200-300k. maybe more tough, im not pro at pricing...


Indeed nice bow.. the thing about these tho is the amount of "YES!!!" you feel when you craft one pales in comparison to the amont of "Aww fuck jebuz Christ" when your pk'ed and lose one ... >> cycle continues until an etten rummages it from you and is lost forever ..