WTS Treasure Maps!!(lvl 3-6)


4x Ingenious(lvl 6) - 20k per
18x Devious(lvl 5) - 7.5K per
11x Cleverly(lvl 4) - 4K per
16x Adeptly(lvl 3) - 3K per


How can I get Treasure maps ? Monsters? Fishing? Can someone explain me where to get each level of Tmap?
One thing I've noticed on this server very very rarely will someone give up something like that hahaha there are some good guys/gals out there so keep at it and you'll get it I have no clue tho only devious and I've gotten yes outta paragon chest from elder dragons and shadow wyrms and such. Those are lvl 5 lvl 6 never found one always buy those and anything under 5 pretty much just kill mobs sometimes they drop sometimes they don't maybe u can find a better answer and help us both out hahaha


I believe dragons have a fairly high chance of lvl 4, lich lords lvl 5, liches lvl 3, daemons lvl 4?, ancienr wyrms lvl 5/shadow wyrms lvl 5, mostly paragon chests. Level 6 tier 5 or tier 6 paragon chests(off a very tough monster), dread spiders lvl 3s.

Lots of things drop maps, ogre lords, lichens, etc.