Tool belt for the handyman.


I don't know if this has been proposed yet or not but... what if we had a tool belt? It would work kind of like a key ring exept it would accept various tools like pickaxes, axes, knives, fishing poles, etc...
You could left click it once and have a drop box menu ,or use a server command like [toolbelt to select the tool you want to use and simply double click on it on the paperdoll to use that tool(allowing it to be used as your "last item")

Basicaly, it would be a craftable(or goldsink maybe?) piece of clothing that would let you slot a set amount of tools in it. Not sure if this should be blessable or not. (Wouldnt it be nice to have a blessed set of tools?)

I know it would probably be a lot of work (Its a bit complicated to script I bet, aint it?) but I mean... it sure as heck would be nice!
The only down side i'm seeing is reducing the backpack clutter. What do you think?