Summer-Long Server Events


We have events that appeal to PvPers, we even have invasions that appeal to PvM players, but we've seen a real lack of custom events made by staff. I miss the days on OSI with event makers where rares were introduced to the shard and players were engaged in a developing story line. We should incorporate the introduction of Booty Island with summer long events that build up to a climax.

These events would take place at set times on Sundays. This will not only encourage activity, but will make sure that players have a chance to participate by not being able to attend unscheduled events. These events should take place in afternoon, as to avoid mornings and late evenings when players are busy (so you can watch Game of Thrones uninterrupted.) Event points during these events are saved and added up at the end of each month and again at the end of the event cycle, where epic rewards are given out.

Sunday #1 - Sea Battle
Stage One: Lord British calls the citizens of Britannia to Booty Island. An unknown enemy was spotted off the coast. Players who arrive on the island that day are given a blessed, colored, and named ship that becomes an unusable ship after 24 hours. Players can use their ship to go out in the water and fight off the enemy.

Stage Two: The invaders come ashore and open portals, engulfing the island. The temples, caves, and ships on the island have higher respawn rates and higher difficulty monsters.

Stage Three: Once the garrison on Booty Island is sufficiently cleared, Lord British calls for the citizens to gather again, and announces the event for the summer. Spawners are activated that create new hunting grounds, primarily focused in the temple and ship areas.

Sunday #2 - Defending the Garrison
Stage One: Lord British announces the "Lord's Tournament" to recruit guards for the new guard zone on Booty Island. Those skilled in combat are asked to participate in the tournament, and defenders are called to defend the garrison on Booty Bay in their absence.

Stage Two: The unknown enemy's spies discover this plot to recruit guards and unleash an invasion on the garrison. A point of bloodshed appears that grants Factions a received bonus in faction points for kills and have no stat/skill loss on Booty Island during this event, as factions compete for the glory of saving Booty Island.

Stage Three: Lord British thanks the citizens as the invasion is warded off and the guard zone is established.

Sunday #3 - Building the Garrison
Stage One: Lord British calls for the infrastructure on Booty Island to be built up, allowing the donation of armor, weapons, wood, iron, and spell scrolls to be collected. Houses on Booty Island that are empty and empty customization plots become condemned.

Stage Two: Players will donate resources to build a two sided moongate that goes from Britain Bank to Booty Island, a banker, stables, provisioner, and mage camp. A point of bloodshed appears that grants Factions a received bonus in faction points for kills and have no stat/skill loss on Booty Island during this event, as factions compete for the glory of saving Booty Island.

Sunday #4 - Discovering the Plot
Stage One: Lord British calls for aid at his castle, as one of his lead detectives is assassinated. An item is discovered that links the assassination to the invaders on Booty Island. Lord British calls for the enemy strongholds on Booty Island be searched for clues. A point of bloodshed appears that grants Factions a received bonus in faction points for kills and have no stat/skill loss on Booty Island during this event, as factions compete for the glory of saving Booty Island.

Stage Two: The Strongholds on Booty Island (the caves, temples, and ships) are raided for clues that lead to the discovery of the enemy and their plot. Lord British announces the culprits and their plans.

Stage Three: An unstable eruption of energy creates a time rift on the island, creating a new (and larger) champion spawn. At the end of this champion spawn, non-faction players are rewarded for damage to monsters, and faction players receive rewards based on the faction points acquired during the event.

Stage Four: A hooded mage appears at the garrison on Booty Island. The mage has a quest for adventurers to find relics on the island (rewarded from killing the new spawn or a random chance to obtain in pack on faction kills) that gives the player gold and a small chance at new rare items. The mage is asking for relics to attempt to repair the time rift, once the mage gets enough relics, his attempt to repair fails, and the time rift explodes and the quest starts again. Kind of like how the capture the flag events work, but it should require enough relics to where the event cant happen more than once every three to five days.

I already have a story for the other months, and I didn't want to fill in too many specifics in case the staff actually wanted to do this event chain. Spoilers suck you know, no one wants to know that Dumbledore dies. @halygon @Shane