Suggestions for BODS


Eppy and I were talking the other day and he doesn't like the current bod system. We came with some cool ideas. Girana, of all people, even had a good one.

What say you, crafters and bod runners? What would you like to see happen to the bod game?



That was one idea. It's a pretty good one, too. You can have either the option of a reward or another bod.

i like this too.

easy huge resource sinks are always good.

But we would need a sink for runic charges.
=> like it would be already with my slayerdeed idea
Runic weapons would need to become a decay timer(like perks) after first use.

@eppy did you check how many accounts out there only got tailors/smiths on it ?


Adding some more low end rewards to complete "junk BODS" would be nice. We could add more consumables on the lower end such as:
  • Temporary Clothing Bless Deed (1 month?)
  • Glowing Runes (people who don't PVM or RDA much could use more)
  • Militia perks (militia CBD, Militia skin paint, etc., get crafters involved without the PVP risk, but it would encourage them to join with a character)
  • Trade back option (trade in 10 for a new one, reduces quantity)
It seems like most of the BODS are junk, it would be nice to create incentive to complete all bods, even a small chance for a series of rares.