Suggestion forum rules review.


Hi there,

this is a suggestion to review the specific rules that are attributed to the suggestion forum (if there are any)

This was brought on after a few feeble and obvious troll attempts by @Bromista within the same thread in this forum subsection. The fact that this player is able to do so proves that even community veterans (community veterans meaning not really veterans of UO but have been around here a while) are guilty of trolling in the wrong places from time to time.

So the suggestion specifics are to implement a new rule where a player who is caught trolling 3 times inside the same thread can be removed legitimately by staff either from just the suggestion subsection or the whole forums.

Why 3 strikes? Because sometimes, the first one is funny. Typically the second time is a bit of a frowner but when it finally happens 3 times, it really can make users so bored that they could log off and stop loving this fabulous community.

The only real drawback is that it takes forum mods time, which could be better spent playing the game and having fun.

Thanks for reading!