Soooooo, tier rewards for dono? Seems like that part is afk

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Ledz Epplin

3 weeks ago I donated 500 bucks. I read to message @Shane and let him know the paypal credentials etc...

A week after sending the first one I noticed the conversation was unread and reoplied to ask him if he would read it.

Now 3 weeks later the conversation is still unread by Shane.

No offense but 500 bucks is no drop in the bucket, the tier reward is only 15k dono coins or whatever. which would be nice to have, since it is promised right?

Did I make a mistake by donating to this shard, which I enjoy playing. I'm feeling a little bit like it doesn't matter to you guys. Is there something I should be doing differently?

Sorry to make this business public, but in lack of any response what so ever, it seems I have no choice.

Is it that difficult to drop a reward for people who spend real money here? It definitely makes me hesitant to want to do it again.


Staff member
Hey there,
IT can take awhile a bit to get your donation tier reward, there are people ahead of you.
I only do so many per week as to not off-set the donation coin worth which, believe it or not- will happen if i do them all instantly.

Also, i don't think you made a mistake purchasing coins in the game that you enjoy playing. However donation coins is a free-bee bonus on your purchased goods.

So to answer you, no it is absolutely not difficult to drop items to people here. But it goes beyond just you, and we need to keep the entire servers economy in check, unless you wish to donate again in the future and have those coins worth absolutely nothing.

Hope this clears some things up for you a bit.

Keep bumping your post, and i will absolutely get to it.
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