So... Where do I want to go?


New Member
Just started playing UO for the first time ever a couple days ago, I've been really REALLY enjoying it so far. I use to play runescape when I was younger and that game was still good, but I see where runescape got a lot of it's inspiration from.

Only I'm not sure about is what I am suppose to be doing or going. I'm kind of stuck in Britain. I've been training my skills a lot and they're all getting really high and haven't even left the first town yet. I'm not sure where I should be playing or going. I've just been killing monsters in the graveyard and the young player dungeon.


Just started playing UO for the first time ever a couple days ago, I've been really REALLY enjoying it so far. I use to play runescape when I was younger and that game was still good, but I see where runescape got a lot of it's inspiration from.

Only I'm not sure about is what I am suppose to be doing or going. I'm kind of stuck in Britain. I've been training my skills a lot and they're all getting really high and haven't even left the first town yet. I'm not sure where I should be playing or going. I've just been killing monsters in the graveyard and the young player dungeon.

Having no idea what your build is, all I can say is test your limits; pick a direction and just start walking. Visit a dungeon, see what you can, and can not kill. Join a guild. Join battles (see what's up with [battles in game), pick a side in the ethical war (good vs. evil) or factions (one of four; but that will be replaced with militias).

RP with RP'ers or PvP with PvP'ers. Fight in the duel pits. Buy a ship and sail the seas. Kill pirates. Be killed by pirates. Look for buried treasure via treasure maps. Look for sunken treasure via messages in bottles. Start a business. Build a home. Become a murderer. Become a bounty hunter.

Skye Wolfbane

Governor of Trinsic
Joining a guild is most helpful. Feel free to apply to the Free City of Trinsic guild here. There are links to informational post to tell you more about us. We use Skype as an ongoing guild chat, like IRC kind of, and we have a big alliance chat there as well which allows members to ask questions, and get to know each other. We also have a Teamspeak server for voice chat.

Having a guild makes hunting easier as players are always willing to show people good spots. I generally recommend staying out of dungeons solo as they are usually PK hot spots. There's plenty of overland spawns and safer spots to hunt.

But like Rikket said, best way to learn the world is walk around, hop in moongates, etc. Just don't arm yourself with your best equipment.