Snooping + Corpses


I did a quick search to see if this has been brought up before, but It turned up with no results.

I think that being revealed when opening a corpse should be proportional to your snooping skill instead of being 100% reveal. Seems a bit strange that I can snoop a live player's backpack without getting revealed, but opening a dead guy's corpse I light up like a Christmas tree. Similarly, I feel I should be able to snoop a bag on a corpse without getting flagged as a criminal until I actually attempt to take it, or something from it. The present situation just seems inconsistent with the spirit of the skill.



My thoughts are that the reasoning behind this suggestion is silly, as balance and play are far more important than being "consistent with the spirit of the skill."


Personally I think it needs to be the same across the board. Opening your own corpse shouldn't be any different than opening another corpse. While I agree with the OP that it makes sense that snooping a corpse while hidden should have the same effects as snooping a live person. I agree more with the user above me. Balance is a little more important when it comes to this. I run a thief so I know your confusion on the way it works but I also see the reasons why they decided to work it like that.


@Finch - I hope I don't come off as picky here, but I'd be much more willing to accept that as a valid criticism if you provided an actual explanation as to why this would alter the current balance, or impact play that is not already in line with the general thief paradigm. I may be just be naive or short sighted, but I'm struggling to think of a valid reason myself.

I appreciate the feedback :)


This is why i've been randomly flagged grey. my Razor auto opens any corpse that dies within two tiles. so when another blue dies near me, it auto opens their corpse (don't loot it) but explains why suddenly i'm a criminal. feel better now. at least I know now.


You don't flag grey just from opening the corpse, however you WILL flag grey if you open any container on the corpse (or take anything from it if course). I believe the razor default is to auto-search containers so that may do the job of flagging you :)



My point is that you can "Steal" a lot more, in a lot less time off of a corpse, and this has to be balanced somehow. Yes, in terms of "realism" digging through a corpse doesn't seem to coincide with snooping a players pack, however, gameplay and balance have to trump "believability and consistency."