shild ar


Young Player Help
Shields always did this in UOR. However, it was only included in your armor negation calculation when you successfully parried a blow.


Young Player Help
I was wrong. I've fixed the displayed values.

edit: Actually, from what I can tell this is technically right. In UOR, OSI revamped parry. Prior to UOR, parrying would only apply to 50% of melee attackas and 100% of archery attacks. They then used this as the base to display the armor provided by parry. It was ((baseAR*parry)/200)+1. This essentially gave you half the AR as the shown rating.

I think displaying the full AR of the shield is more accurate than showing half of it. You WILL get the 53 damage negation 50% of the time. In the end, it doesn't matter. Whether it shows 50 AR from the shield or 25 AR, you are still going to get the 50AR negation 50% of the time.
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