Relics for Archer Fishers and Archer T-mappers


I've only got one char that doesn't have 50+ musicianship that I would consider putting relics on.

The stats are such:

90 STR
75 DEX
60 INT

85 Anatomy
100 Archery
120 Fishing
95 Healing
90 Magery
40 Meditation
90 Resisting Spells
100 Tactics

I read that 95 healing is the min. amount required to never fail a heal. I only need 90 magery because all that I use the magery for is summoning daemons and casting defensive spells like heal and reflect. You rarely fail to summon a daemon with 90 magery while using a scroll and the magery healing power is still good at 90. I tested resist out at 100 and 90 using about 50 of each offensive spell type, and 90 resist is still a strong protection, or at least it was when I tested it previously several months ago. 85 anatomy because that is what I need to shrink to be able to get 40 med, with only a 3% reduction in damage and slightly less healing power.

I use this character in several different ways. One of them is just simply collecting MiBs and fishing nets. Another way I use him is when doing SoS messages and fishing nets. The last way that I use him is when doing treasure maps.

He is stationary all of the time. The mobs that come with the SoS messages appear very close to him, and for the most part, so does the spawn from the nets and treasure maps, as they get provo'd and spawn close to the boat. This char usually has at least 1 bard backing him up, but often it is 2 bards.

I typically have him summoning a daemon along with the 2 bards and have plenty of backup daemon scrolls to use. I need them when doing the nets especially, because sometimes I get 10+ deep water elementals on the screen and I need to be able to quickly summon daemons again on all 3 chars due to them being dispelled and not taking spell damage for me.

The armor I wear with him is a leather suit with an orc helm. The only time he sometimes gets hit with melee is when doing treasure maps, but often my 2 bards are controlling the spawn well enough and the daemons are taking damage for me. I think I could get away with wearing no armor at all, and especially with the SoS messages and fishing nets, which I assume will improve the effects of the relics that I am thinking will be good with this character.

These relics are Vivify, Double Strike, and Infected Wounds.

Does anyone have any input as to the effectiveness of these relics with this build? Will any of these relics be worthless? I use archery, but the spawn is usually close to me.

I keep reading that relics are "worthless" or "stupid" with archery, but is this even true in my case? I get to be stationary all the time while the mobs should be close to me most often while they're getting provo'd and the daemons take damage for me. This makes archery with these relics to be more than just viable. You just need to use them properly and with the right game type.
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I personally think archery is most effective as a ranged pvm template and therefore relics won't have much value, especially given the current market.

Sounds to me like you're doin it right and there's no need to fix what ain't broke.


Berserker tali would be very helpful. Bonus 50% damage. You would be standing close enough for double strike or infected to activate.
The talisman itself is huge for any template.


I'm thinking about getting those relics myself without having to pay for them. When the level 1 T-map MOTM comes along, I can just farm those and hope to get lucky. I eventually will perhaps get lucky, because with fishing I can get a ton of those maps and be spawning ratmen continuously in several stretched out locations, while the other world spawn points will likely be hogged and/or be PK hotspots. There is no way I am going to pay several million for relics so that I can do MiBs, nets, and t-maps a bit more effectively. I don't often even do this sort of PVM, so I doubt I will be making those millions back.

While on land, I can also make the "procs" happen more often by simply moving this char closer to the spawn when needed while they're provo'd or fighting my daemons, although I like to keep him close to the bards so that he can cross-heal when needed. The SoS mobs will always be right next to me, so that is a guaranteed effective use of the relic(s). Meanwhile, I can target the closest spawn to the boat on this char while doing the nets, and when possible move the boat closer to spawn that is out of tile range. All of these relics seem like they would come in handy. The Infected Wounds relic would probably speed up the "netting" by a good amount, because I have used up to 20 nets at a time before and you get tons of spawn (way more than whirlpools).