So.. when is the last time anyone has used Summon earth elemental? lol..
Those are the only lvl 8 spells people have used in the past 15 years. In the expansion.. why not make some more useful ones?
Like.. DragonKiller... a energy bolt only effective against dragons.. to balance the pwn that a couple tamers have against a pvp grp. Nothing super OP, because tamers really aren't all that OP (para ftw) but just something fun.
Maybe some sort of short duration turret type summon.. Like.. Summon reaper!
Those are the only lvl 8 spells people have used in the past 15 years. In the expansion.. why not make some more useful ones?
Like.. DragonKiller... a energy bolt only effective against dragons.. to balance the pwn that a couple tamers have against a pvp grp. Nothing super OP, because tamers really aren't all that OP (para ftw) but just something fun.
Maybe some sort of short duration turret type summon.. Like.. Summon reaper!